A professionals and youth juries chose the winners of the Official Competition in several categories. Next to that the audience chose their favourite film. This years SHIFT Film Festival was mainly held online, due to the covid19-crisis.
Award winners
The following awards were handed out:
Best Film – SILENCE OF THE FISH, by Hilke Rönnfeldt (250€ cash prize powered by CineSud)
Special Jury Prize – 8563, by Áron Farkas & Ottó Kinizsi (100€ cash prize powered by CineSud)
Youth Jury Award – CUCKOO!, by Jörgen Scholtens
Audience Award – WINDOW, by Inara Chayamiti
General remark of the professionals jury on the short film competition: "First of all we want to thank the SHIFT Film Festival and CineSud for hosting this online event. You have succeeded in creating a cinematic, cosmopolitic, online filmfestival in these crazy times. As a jury we were pleasantly surprised by the diverse film selection from different backgrounds and nationalities. We will be giving out two awards. A special jury prize and a prize for the best film. As in every competition we, the jury, found it incredibly hard to select the winner. Because of the diversity, the obvious differences in experience and in budget it was extremely difficult. As jury member Brigit Hillenius said during our deliberation: 'This wasn’t comparing pears and apples, this was comparing pears and ponies.' In the end we came to a decision, but above all we want a digital applause for all the filmmakers!"
The professionals jury for the Short Film Competition consisted of Joris Hoebe, Brigit Hillenius and Jan Pool. The youth jury of Maya de Weerdt, Daniel Feldman, Damiën Joosten, Muriel Bujotzek, Nino Valcq and Zoé Stegers. The youth jury got a two day workshop and coaching in analysing film and writing reviews as a preparation of their job. From September 21, every week we will publish one review of a short film competition film written by a youth jury member.
SHIFT Film Festival
This sixth edition of SHIFT Film Festival mainly took place online due to the covid19-crisis. In collaboration with ECI Cultuurfabriek in Roermond we hosted 5 film screenings, one of them being a special avant premieres of Limburgian short films. In the unique two-day Bootcamp Shorts Lab more than 60 filmmakers from the Netherlands and abroad met each other in inspiring masterclasses, online networking activities and short film programs. Via our social media channels two CineTalks were streamed live which reached over 1500 viewers during the live streams. The streams will be available to watch back later at any time. The other programs parts attracted 600 visitors in 19 activities.
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