The short film will have its avant-premiere at SHIFT Film Festival 2020.
Geplaatst op 14 augustus 2020
Born in Maastricht, Limburg, the Netherlands, Mark Stevens studied at the film academy in Genk, Belgium. Stevens just loves storytelling and all aspects of it. He focuses on a good story and then seeks a style that fits with the story, not the other way around. Art-direction and sound design are two aspects he emphasizes in all his films.
"The audience has to judge what they have just watched themselves."
Mental health
"I came up with the idea of the film because of all the terrible events with psychiatric people that recently happened in Belgium and the Netherlands. Mentally ill people are identified and within the hour they have killed someone. The question I had with this topic was: how is this possible? Don’t they know they are dangerous? These questions were the starting point for my film."
No judgement
"I wrote the script together with screenwriter Philip Corsius. Philip immediately loved the idea of this miscommunication between patient and caregiver. The point was to make it as sarcastic as possible but not to make fun of the situation. The audience has to judge what they have just watched themselves."
The crew
"Coen Leuven was the DOP on this short. I have worked with Coen multiple times. The great thing about him is that he thinks as a director but prefers to handle the camera. We talked about the script and Coen had some critical notes, which made a better script. Coen made beautiful shots that fit the style of the film. Especially the end scene is breathtaking."
"For the production I had help from Barbro Gulikers who knows the area, knows what to do, basically knows her 'film set' stuff. The rest of the cast and crew is a mix of Flemish and Limburgian people. It was a great team to work with. We filmed three days during which we stayed on schedule, made a great film and had a lot of fun. In the Euregion it is such a blessing that you can mingle with different cultures, locations, etc. There are some professional and hardworking people just around the corner and many of us don't know that."
Sound and art direction
"Daniele Tucci was the composer for the film. I have worked with him on several films in several settings. For Daniele this was not an easy film to compose music for. A lot of emotions are shown in a short amount of time. Daniele knows my earlier work and knows that I prefer the contrast between image and sound. I talked with him about several films before he started to experiment at home. He came up with a soundtrack that did not only strengthen the story but brought it to a whole new level."
"Besides sound, art direction is a very important film tool. You have to use it correctly otherwise people are not willing to create a suspension of disbelieve when watching your film. It was a hard time finding the right location for the apartment but with help from production manager Barbro Gulikers and art director Kim Hotterbeekx we did a great job."
Just do it!
"The best advice I can give to future filmmakers is to go out there and make your film! Don't wait for the perfect script because it doesn't exist. Just assemble an enthusiastic crew and shoot your film. Is it a bad film? No worries! Just make another one and another one. That's the only way to learn and the only way how to make films. Good luck and feel free to show me your film when it is finished."