Working Groups: Acting is a workshop for Ukrainian refugees who would like to try themselves in acting and develop their talent. During the workshop with the moderator, the participant will connect in a relaxed atmosphere with each other by doing some acting exercises on connection: yes/no, looking into the eyes for 1-2 minutes, energy circle, etc, work on plasticity, improvisation & scenes. The focus during the workshops will be on removing body clamps, developing looseness & free self-expression. We believe that with those working groups we can help the participants to connect on other levels, share their fears, thoughts and feelings and discover something new in themselves to help them cope with the current trauma.
The ultimate and wishful plan is that the participants will slowly organize themselves into small groups and will direct each other making small plays that they can later show to other Ukrainians during organized performances.
Запрошуємо всіх на безкоштовний вокшоп з акторської майстерності. Воркшоп розрахований на людей, які тільки починають, або хотіли би навчитися акторській майстерності. Під час воркшопу ми будемо виконувати різні вправи для розвитку для зняття тілесних зажимів, для розвитку розкутості, вільного самовираження, ази акторської майстерності, сценічної мови, пластики.
The sessions will be moderated by Anna Demianenko, sometimes some external directors might be invited to give workshops and share expertise.
The workshop will take place once a week on Wednesdays from 13:00-15:00. The planning is done for the next 6 months. The following days are preliminary planned:
April 26
May 3, 10, 16, 30
June 6, 13
July 11, 18, 25
August 8, 15, 22, 29
September 5, 19, 26
October 3, 10, 17, 24
The Working Groups: Acting will take place at Carbon 6 (Kloosterweg 1, 6412 CN Heerlen). The room for the workshop is R100.
Working Groups are initiatives of CineSud and will be organized by CineSud employees. You can register for free by clicking on the button below.
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