Talk | Methods for film talent development

Webinar on film talent development and the launch of a book on this topic.

Geplaatst op 19 januari 2022

Within the Screen Talent Europe network, no less than 16 partners annually help and guide film talents to take steps forward in their career. Join our online webinar on methods for film talent development and the launch of the method-book on Friday February 11, 15.00 (CET).

Europe is full of great film talents!

Screen Talent Europe is proud to launch the first ever book on methods for film talent development in non-formal education. CineSud is partner of Screen Talent Europe since 2020 and contributed to the book. Get inspired by our methods, training activities, talents and more on February 11, 15.00 (CET). 


This event will take place as a free webinar on Zoom on Friday February 11, 15.00 (CET). To be able to access the webinar you need to register. Please see the button below.

15.00: Welcome
Introduction to the Screen Talent Europe network and method book

15.10: Interview: How to develop film talents?
With Pieter Kuijpers, director/producer at Pupkin Film (NL)
15.30: Panel talk: talents and talent programs
The Taskforce Program: Producer Lue Lukke Henner (Ofilm, DK)
The ShortsLab, ScriptLab and Film Talents to Cannes program: Nicole Jachmann (CineSud, NL)
Talent Link North: Hilke Rönnfeldt (Filmwerkstadt Kiel, GE)

15.45: Online launch of Method Book and closing

Register for the webinar.