Pitch your next film idea and win a production grant.
Geplaatst op 28 juni 2021
Submit your project, take part in Euregion Film Pitch and compete for €2.000!
Euregion Film Pitch Online
CineSud stimulates new filmmakers and professionals in several ways. We organise training programs, Writers Rooms and offer filmmakers lots of other activities. Via our half-yearly Pitching Forum we are able to offer filmmakers small production grants, which they can use to co-finance their next projects. The winner of the Euregion Film Pitch will receive a production grant of €2.000, which has to be used for producing the project that is pitched.
The Euregion Film Pitch is open for submission for filmmakers from the Netherlands, Germany & Belgium.
Apply here!
Send us your submission for the Euregion Film Pitch via the button below. Deadline: August 23, 23.59 pm. An external committee of decision makers will select a minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 participants for the Euregion Film Pitch. You project file should not exceed 5mb! (you can make them smaller via several free online tools).
Submit your Pitch project
Apply via the button below and deliver all the requested materials in English in one single PDF of max. 8 pages and max. 5mb. If the materials are bigger than asked for, the project will not be taken into consideration.
Motivation (max. 1 page);
Tagline, logline, synopsis, genre, format (fiction, documentary, tv, web, etc.), duration of the project;
Director's vision (max. 2 pages);
(Short) biographies of yourself and other crew/cast-members. If not available yet: who are you planning to work with? (max. 2 pages);
Moodboard and/or other relevant extra information (screeners of former work are recommended);
(Indication of the) budget and financing plan (if you already have co-financing, let us know!).
Please keep in mind that participation in the Pitching Training sessions is obligatory. The dates and time slots can be changed in August.
Pitching Training and Forum will be in English.
Contact us.
Do you have any questions or just want to get in touch with us? Contact us by using the contact form below.
Dit initiatief werd mede mogelijk gemaakt door Grensverleggers, regeling ter ondersteuning van culturele samenwerkingen tussen partijen in Vlaanderen, de Provincie Noord-Brabant, de Provincie Limburg en de Provincie Zeeland.
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